Case Study - Real Life Business Problems we solved
You find out all our case studies here which explain how we design, develop and implemented
innovative solutions to various business problems.

Cultivating Tomorrow: Nurturing Agribusiness Innovation for Sustainable Growth
SenzAgro, a dynamic and innovative firm rooted in Sri Lanka, is at the forefront of applying digital technologies to transform rural landscapes, with a special focus on the agriculture sector. In essence, SenzMate stands as a cutting-edge precision agriculture ecosystem, set to benefit 500 million smallholder farmers worldwide.

Promoting Digital Agriculture Technologies among rural farmers in Ecuador
Do you want to be the first to discover the next great thing in technology? Then don't bother looking any further. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has unrivaled potential for streamlining processes and lowering costs....

SenzAgro’s Precision Agriculture Technologies in Japan Blueberry Farming
Blueberries are a popular and tasty fruit that are low in calories and extremely healthy, with the potential to regulate blood sugar levels and improve heart and brain health. Blueberries, which are frequently ...

Maintaining the Optimum Growing Environment for Scotch Bonnet with SenzAgro’s Technologies
The Scotch Bonnet pepper is a habanero cultivar that is among the hottest peppers in the world. At maturity, it is usually red or yellow, whereas other varieties can ripen to orange, yellow, peach, or even chocolate brown ...

Disease Prediction in Cinnamon Cultivation with SenzAgro’s Agricore Intelligence Platform
Cinnamon; an indigenous, rain-fed crop to Sri Lanka, can be cultivated in various types of soil on an open field. It requires great soil depth as its tough roots can penetrate through parent soil layers and access deeper levels in search of water.....

Importance of Irrigation management in the production of coconuts and toddies
All metabolic and production processes in plants require water. Crops are raised using a variety of land configurations, soil types, climate conditions, seasons, and water supply circumstances......
Utilize IoT technologies to enhance the tea manufacturing process' quality
Tea is quickly overtaking water as the preferred beverage. Around the world, more than 10 million people depend on tea for their livelihood. Tea comes in several flavors, but black tea....
SenzAgro-Case Study will help you increase your mango yield
The quantity and frequency of water supplied to the trees during mango cultivation must be constantly monitored. The trees must go through several stages of water stress to ensure a high quality fruit harvest....
SenzAgro Technology's Strawberry Cultivation Case Study Might Help You Get Started
Strawberries are a very adaptable food to consume; in addition to being healthy, they are also sweet and delectable. Although strawberries require less fertilizer than other horticulture crops, a variety of factors including temperature...

Does changing weather pose a threat to agriculture? NO LONGER!
Since man understood the concept of agriculture, he understood how tightly intertwined weather and agriculture are, with the interpretation and forecasting of the weather being directly correlated to the advancement of agriculture. The dominance effect of weather is still ruling the agriculture industry despite the extreme levels....

Techniques for smart farming and automated irrigation to improve coconut/palm cultivation.
Due to significant water waste, the traditional irrigation methods used in coconut/palm gardens, such as flood irrigation and basin irrigation, only achieve an irrigation efficiency of 30 to 50%....

Technology for oyster mushroom agriculture to get the best yield.
The idea was to research the nation's small-scale mushroom farmers and learn about their challenges, as well as the people and organizations involved in the growth of their businesses. This is a fantastic farming opportunity at the SME level that can get started with very little capital....

Data acquisition and communication under the soil using a wireless solution
In order to help farmers increase crop productivity, IoT is largely employed in agriculture for field parameter monitoring and automation. The main aspects to take into account while implementing a real-time...