Precision Agriculture
SenzAgro Precision Farming Platform enables to optimize fertilizing and irrigation to preserve water and fertilizer by integrating Digiplant into your farm and make a massive positive impact in the fight against the climate change.

Smart Monitoring
Real time monitoring of climate parameters such as Temperature, Humidity, soil moisture, Electric Conductance, Light, rain and wind pattern via SenzAgro’s acoustic sensors.

Agronomic Advices
Providing real time crop specific, growth stage specific and climate specific agronomical advices via SMS and notifications to improve the crop yield with best quality.

Smart Irrigation
Automated irrigation system for the crops based on real time microclimate parameter information obtained via DigiPlant and the weather station. Sensing the soil moisture, and automate the irrigation system to provide sufficient amounts of water at the required time.

What we Monitor 24/7
Ambient Temperature
Ambient Temperature
Ambient Temperature
What we Control
Ambient Temperature
Ambient Temperature
Ambient Temperature
Fogger System
Ambient Temperature
Ambient Temperature
Ambient Temperature
We provide many benefits you can use
Better decision making by providing crop insights
Improve your crop quality and productivity

Monitor the farm remotely and get instant alerts
Effectively control the input resources in farming
Cost savings in energy and labor utilisation
Efficient detection of pests and disease attacks
Our Regular Feature Enhancements
SenzAgro Precision Farming Platform enables to optimize fertilizing and irrigation to preserve water and fertilizer by integrating Digiplant into your farm and make a massive positive impact in the fight against the climate change.
Real time Climatic parameter Monitoring
Crop specific agronomic advices
Irrigation Automation
Mobile, Web and SMS application
Real time Threshold violation alerts
Weather Predictions
Ventilation automation for greenhouses and polytunnels