Farm Financial Management

Farm Financial Management helps farmers and agricultural enterprises for adapting digital book keeping practices with income, expense, yield and stock and providing the financial insights of the farms to evaluate the profitability of their farming operations.

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Yield And Stock Management

Updating the harvest yield regularly and managing the stock via mobile. Get a glance of your stock details whenever needed and obtain the weekly/monthly farm yield summary reports to share with management.

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Income & Expense Management

Updating the income and expenses via mobile, and get a detailed report on income and expense from each crop or plot. Further, obtain the weekly/monthly farm income and expense summary reports to share with management.


We provide many benefits you can use

Weekly/Monthly summary reports on farm financial performance

Online book keeping for farm owners


Get instant stock details via mobile to make sales decisions

Enhanced transparency on farm financial performance to the management

Our Regular Feature Enhancements

SenzAgro Precision Farming Platform enables to optimize fertilizing and irrigation to preserve water and fertilizer by integrating Digiplant into your farm and make a massive positive impact in the fight against the climate change.

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Updating crop yield details regularly

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Updating crop yield details regularly

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Updating income and expense related details regularly

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Weekly/Monthly summary reports on yield, stock,income and expense

Let's Hear it from our clients

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